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selamat datang.........

semoga Allah selalu memudahakn jalan hamba-Nya yang bersungguh-sungguh

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asalamu'alaikum wr.wb, dalam naungan Ridho Illahi semoga hidup penuh kedamaian walau didahului oleh permusuhan.. salam ukhuwah islamiyah

About Muhammadiyah University of Malang

 University of Malang is the Great

Muhammadiyah  University of Malang  is the largest university in East Java as well as winning the Erasmus Mundus. This University has many facilities that can be enjoyed primarily for students active in it as well as a large family of UMM, among others: a mosque is a mosque named AR Fachruddin, Unmuh Dome, GKB 1, 2 GKB, GKB 3, ICT Center (Lab. Informatics Kom, Lab.Kom Economics, Information and Communication Lab), Rusunawa1, Rusunawa2 the dorms are made ​​especially for the student, basketball courts, a stadium, where the research supporting academic facilities and many others.  
There is also the services that we enjoy, such as:
  1. UMM hotspots internet access which is a free service provided by UMM and addressed to all UMM students using WIFI facility.
  2. E-mail UMM (UMM WEBMAIL)
  3. Blog UMM the web application form that resembles the writings on a public web page.
  4. Academic Administrative Management which is one of the services of the Bureau of Academic Administration UMM to provide ease of administration services, one of which is KRS-Online service.
  5. Digital Library which is a form of digital services for the lending and reference books as well as search results and the final at UMM library.
  6. E-LMU (E-Learning at Muhammadiyah University of Malang), which is web-based electronic learning system that was developed using Moodle.
No harm can be an active student at the University of Malang.

my pet
